The “Noir” series was created in the years 2007 – 2011. The series consists of 36 objects in the format 44 x 44 cm with an electric power supply placed in them. These are unique works created in the technique of giclee – art print and metal relief. Each of them has its own source of lighting hidden in the upper part of the aluminum frame, which is painted black. As a result, these works can be viewed in two versions: the first – in daylight or artificial light, and the second – with the light turned off after turning on your own light source. In both cases we see different images. The entire captured drawing is visible the first time. Behind the second one, the silvery light placed right next to the surface of the painting brings out the entire depth of the relief.
The “Noir” (BLACK) series was intended to be completely different. It was not as colorful as the previous cycle “Worlds”, but it was kept in the colors of the earth. The title were to be different too. The disease interrupted my work, but after returning to reality and health, I changed the concept, keeping the whole cycle in monochrome black and dark sepia. Finishing this work was possible thanks to the support of my family and friends. I would like to thank you for your physical, mental and therefore creative salvation. I owe them to prof. Andrzej Kułakowski, prof. Piotr Chłoście, prof. Maciej Krzakowski and Dr. Jarosław Jaskulski with the team.
Unique objects, 44 x 44 cm format, & nbsp; giclee – art print, metal relief.